Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck
Our military and first responders are under tremendous amounts of stress and are often held to a sense of moral perfectionism. Too often, this stress spills over into their home life as well. The fact is these jobs create chronic stress environments that become normalized by those living them and their caregivers.
What We Do
The Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck workshop, created by veterans and military spouses, teaches evidence-based Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills to help identify stress, build and maintain relationships, and manage emotions. DBT is the gold standard therapy modality for reducing suicide and building a life worth living.
Skills You Will Learn:
- Unpacking Stress & Mindfulness
- Understanding & Taking Control of Emotions
- Assertiveness & Maintaining Relationships
- Surviving Crisis, including substance use
- Barriers that prevent Effectiveness
- … and more!
Register for Upcoming Workshop in Clemson, South Carolina:
Date: Friday, April 4th
We are excited to offer two workshop sessions of Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck, allowing you to choose the session that works best with your schedule:
Session 1: 9:30 AM – 11:30 PM
Session 2: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Location: Clemson University, 201 Vickery Hall. Clemson, SC 29634
SAFE Veterans: Unpacking Your Emotional Ruck 4/4/2025
About “Ruck”
The term “ruck” comes from the military, when a service member carries a ruck, or backpack, weighing about 50-70 pounds on a long march, hike, or deployment. During Your Emotional Ruck programming, the ruck represents the unique, emotional weight carried by a military spouse or family member that often differs from their civilian counterparts.
PTSD and Substance Use Disorder: A Dangerous Combination
We often hear about the connection between post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorder. But what is it and how are they connected? -
SAFE Veterans by the Numbers
Read current statistics of how substance use disorder affects veterans, service members, families and caregivers. -