Treatment and Recovery provides valuable resources for individuals and families. Since 2019, SAFE Project’s Family Support and Treatment Center Locator platform has helped hundreds of people efficiently search for treatment based upon their needs. This year, for the first time ever, SAFE Project has provided family outreach and support resources for individuals as well. Recovery is a life-long journey, and it requires all of us to find ways to support individuals in this journey. As a result, this portion of the line of operation provides resources for individuals in recovery as well as individuals supporting others in recovery.
Learn More About Treatment and Recovery
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Save Lives
Examining scientific evidence for medications to treat OUD and identifying barriers that prevent people from accessing safe, effective, medication-based treatment. -
Early Recovery: What to Do When You Transition Out of Treatment
Transitioning out of treatment can feel insurmountable - learn ways to help make the process easier.