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SAFE Communities

Supporting communities in systemically reducing the impacts of substance use disorder.

What is SAFE Communities?

SAFE Communities partners with communities nationwide to be more resilient and responsive to the impacts of mental health and substance use disorders.

Free, self-guided resources for community leaders

Community Playbook

Our Community Playbook provides communities with a step-by-step process in how to begin organizing, evaluating, and creating change in your community.

SAFE Solutions

A platform highlighting cutting-edge research, resources, and promising practices to support communities in identifying and implementing strategies for their response efforts.

New Resource:
Strategies for Libraries on Community-Based Substance Use Response Efforts

Libraries can serve as a crucial resource to support communities. With an increase in overdoses, we all could play a larger role in our community’s response to substance use. In this new resource, SAFE Project shares ways your local library could play an active role, along with a reading list appropriate by age groups.

Learn More

Portfolio Spotlights

Our evidence-based and evidence-informed programs are innovatively filling gaps in communities.

Bridging Prevention and Recovery (BPR) Training and Technical Assistance Program

SAFE Choices: Serving Youth
and Young Adults

Law Enforcement and
Criminal Justice Programs

Recovery Housing

Looking for assistance with your strategic community response efforts?

SAFE Project provides tailored technical assistance and solutions-focused support to professionals in the substance use disorder field of practice. The SAFE Communities team can share promising practices, support resource development, lead group process facilitation, deliver leadership development and training, and help your community identify and implement comprehensive and sustainable goals.



More About SAFE Communities

Our Approach:

• We build collaboration within each community and customize our support to your unique needs.
• We use a national platform to lift up local success stories.
• We focus on comprehensive, sustainable short- and long-term goals.
• We promote evidence-based and innovative promising proactive solutions.

What It Looks Like:
• Sharing promising practices
• Facilitating learning communities
• Delivering leadership development training
• Group process facilitation
• Resource development
Who We Work With:
• Federal, state, and local governments
• Non-profit and community-based organizations
• Health care providers, practitioners, and systems
• Mental health, substance use and recovery support services professionals
• Youth and youth-serving organizations
• Faith community
• Private sector and business community
• Local philanthropy
• Community coalitions, task forces, and special interest groups

Integrated-Forensic Peer Recovery Specialist
(I-FPRS) Training
SAFE Project’s I-FPRS training is for certified Peer Recovery Specialists who work with individuals that are justice-involved across many settings (jails, communities, treatment programs, psychiatric facilities, probation offices, etc.).Learn More 

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