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Collegiate Recovery
Leadership Academy FAQ

Get answers to your questions about becoming a recovery leader for your campus.


We admit students to the program on a rolling basis and therefore encourage students to apply as soon as possible. The application deadline is September 15.


Do I have to be a student to apply?
Yes. We welcome students enrolled in postsecondary coursework to apply, but ask that students have completed at least one year at their college/university already. We find familiarity with your campus helpful in creating change in the community.

Do I have to be in substance use or mental health recovery to apply?
No. Students with lived experience are encouraged to apply, but this is not a requirement. We believe that recovery allies and people impacted by the addiction epidemic also play a valuable role in the movement.

Do I have to be a member of a collegiate recovery community or program to apply?
No. In fact, we encourage students who have no recovery support services on their campuses to apply as this program will give students the tools they need to advocate for change within their campus community and beyond.

What does participation in the Leadership Academy consist of?

  • Support to plan and implement a recovery-focused impact project on campus
  • Mentorship from experts in the field
  • Peer support
  • Personalized educational and advocacy training
  • All expense paid trip to the SAFE Project Collegiate Recovery Leadership Summit in Washington, DC (November 2024)
  • All expense paid trip to attend a Leadership Retreat in June 2025 (location TBD)

What is the Leadership Academy timeline?

Monday, July 22 – Sunday, September 8 Application Open
September 9 – September 20 Applicant Interviews
September 23 Acceptance and Waitlist Notifications
September 27 Program Begins / Orientation
September – November Student Professional Development Meetings (once/week)
November 8 – November 10 Leadership Summit
September – May Ongoing Work on Impact Project
May 16 Impact Project Summary Due
June TBD Leadership Retreat

Will I have help deciding what kind of project to implement?
You will be given a variety of tracks to choose from. We will offer project suggestions and examples of what students have done in the past, but ultimately, we want your project to be something you are passionate about and that is catered to the needs of your campus.

How much time should I expect to commit to the Leadership Academy?
A majority of the time you spend will be focused on your impact project. In addition to your project you will also be expected to attend the weekend-long Leadership Summit in November (full scholarship provided), participate in webinars and group meetings, and attend the Leadership Retreat at the conclusion of the program (full scholarship provided). At minimum, you can plan to spend an average of 4 hours/week focused on Leadership Academy related activities.

The participation requirements listed above mention something about mentorship. Do I have to have a mentor?
You will be assigned to a small working group with your peers. This group will be led by a Leadership Academy graduate from last year and a mentor from the field. Students are expected to fully participate in monthly working group meetings, but it is up to the student how much they use the working group leaders and mentors as a resource outside of the mandatory meetings.

What should I expect from the Leadership Summit in November?
The Leadership Summit is an event designed solely for our Leadership Academy students, working group leaders, and mentors. The Summit will be an opportunity for students to network with other Leadership Academy students, hear from leaders of the recovery movement, and participate in workshops designed to enhance leadership and advocacy skills.

What should I expect from the Leadership Retreat in June?
The Leadership Retreat is the culmination of nine months of learning, growing, and hard work! This will be a time to celebrate with one another and bond over your shared experience in the Leadership Academy.

What if I can’t make it to the Leadership Summit in November and/or the Leadership Retreat in June?
We will handle this on a case by case basis, but both of these events are integral to your experience as a SAFE Project fellow and we want each of our Leadership Academy students to experience and participate in these events.

If you have any questions that are not addressed above, please reach out to Sydney Cheifetz, Assistant Director of SAFE Campuses at: