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Free Training Courses From SAFE Project

SAFE Project offers a variety of free training modules and videos. Participants learn what an opioid overdose is,how to save a life with naloxone, about what fentanyl is, how we arrived at this current crisis, and what we can do about it.

General Training:
Opioid Overdose, Fentanyl Safety, & More

Opioid Overdose Response Training

In this brief 30-minute training, participants learn what an opioid overdose is, how to recognize one, and how to save a life with naloxone.

18 Lessons

Opioid Overdose Response Training (Abbreviated)

Only have about 10 minutes to learn how to save a life? In this training, participants learn what an opioid overdose is, how to recognize one, and how to save a life with naloxone.

7 Lessons

Fentanyl Safety: What to Know and How To Navigate Risk

Through a 20-minute video this course shares information about what fentanyl is, where it is found, how we arrived at this current crisis, and what we can do about it.

8 Lessons

SAFE Communities Training Videos

The SAFE Community Playbook: A Guide to Making Lasting Change in your Community


The Community Pulse Survey: Evaluating your SAFE Community


The SAFE Community Playbook: Using the SAFE Community Resources