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Give a Gift that Changes Lives This Holiday Season

Honor Someone Special When You Join SAFE Project In Battling The Catastrophic Addiction Epidemic And Supporting Mental Health Wellness.

Did you know you can make a donation to SAFE Project in honor of a friend or family member?

What if you could give a gift that helped save lives, fight the battle against the addiction epidemic and support mental health wellness? When you make a donation to SAFE Project in honor of someone special, you are including them in a change that impacts thousands through targeted programs and initiatives.

In 2020, SAFE Project:

  • Distributed nearly 25,000 drug disposal pouches to eliminate over 2.5 million unused prescriptions.
  • Reached over 230 campuses through technical assistance, training, and resources.
  • Established weekly Virtual Veterans Recovery meetings to give veterans and their families a place to go in response to COVID-19.
  • Established SAFE Workplaces programs to provide businesses with the essential tools and resources to combat addiction and its effects in the workplace.
  • And continued to expand outreach and support through six critical lines of operation.

SAFE Project’s goal is to save a life everyday. We invite you to be a part of this vital mission by honoring someone special through a donation. Your gift will help SAFE Project make a difference in the battle against the catastrophic addiction epidemic and support of mental health wellness.