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Technical Assistance

Innovative programming, peer-to-peer facilitation, and new program development

We provide tailored technical assistance and solutions-focused, in-house programs that fill gaps for professionals working in communities across the nation.

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Are your requesting assistance for an existing coalition or organization or are you just getting started?
What area do you want to focus on? Please check all that apply.
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Community Playbook & SAFE Solutions

A blueprint for communities taking action and a comprehensive resource hub of strategies and best practices.

Recovery Housing

Resources supporting recovery home owners and operators.

Bridging Prevention and Recovery (BPR)

A training and technical assistance program that integrates prevention and recovery systems in communities.

SAFE Choices: Serving Youth & Young Adults

Fostering resiliency in youth development through collaborative and diversified approaches to substance use prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery.

Criminal Justice Involvement

Supporting individuals at the intersection of the behavioral health and criminal justice systems.

SAFE Takes

An analysis and assessment of federal recommendations and proposals.
