Know the Impact of Alcohol
Learn the facts and get help before it snowballs out of control

SAFE Solutions
Your one-stop-shop with prevention, early intervention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery strategies

The Updated SAFE Locator
Search For Substance Use Treatment, Family Support, and Recovery Housing — All in One Website

Virtual Veterans Recovery Meetings
Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Eastern

Now is the time to act: Stop the Addiction Fatality Epidemic!
Over 100,000 Americans lose their lives to overdoses each year. This is the highest number of Americans lost to overdoses ever recorded.
To overcome the addiction epidemic, it requires our collective action. That’s why SAFE Project works collaboratively to bring solutions to communities, campuses, workplaces, and active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. Please help SAFE Project end addiction by turning hope into action.
Dial or text 988 on your phone for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Resources and News
SAFE Project combats the epidemic in four groups. Select a group to see more.
Americans lost to overdoses each year
Veterans are twice as likely to die from an accidental overdose
Incarcerated citizens who have access to treatment and recovery services
1 in 3
College students who report dealing with a mental illness
Upcoming Events
March 25, 2025
Virtual Veterans All-Recovery Weekly Meetings

March 26, 2025
Youth VOICE Council Meeting